Troost Mural

KC Intern Bucket List

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KC Intern Bucket List

KC Intern Bucket List

The essentials: Every Kansas Citian should ______ at least once. 


The coolest friends are the ones in the know. 😎
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KC Resources
Fill your feed with the best of KC

Kansas City Karen
Create core memory experiences with these unique eats + attractions tips.

Made in KC Explore
Uncover KC's people and places. 

Kasim Hardaway
The ultimate KC foodie - follow for some mouthwatering menu inspo.

Kansas City Bucket List
Events, restaurants, activities, you name it - plus lots of giveaways!

The Bop Around
Head here to find KC's newest and coolest bars and restaurants.

Joel Goldberg
A KC Royals reporter, find all the insider KC sports content on his page.

Alyssa Broadus 
A local photographer capturing the beauty of KC.

Aubrey Schoenekase
All things health & wellness in KC.


Daily Updates
Stay up-to-date on what's happening in KC

KC Today 
Sign up for the newsletter for daily emails about events and all the KC happenings.

Startland News
This non-profit publication shares all of KC’s innovative news.

NPR in Kansas City. We recommend signing up for the Creative Adventure newsletter to find more ways to explore KC.

Kansas City Star
The renowned publication will give you all the hard hitting news.
